Cosmic Timeline showing key transitional events during the evolution of the Universe.
Image recreation using Inkscape, Original image credit: NASA
I am a PhD research scholar at the Curtin node of the International Center of Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR); Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA). My current research interests are in observational 21-cm cosmology. I use radio interferometric observations from the state-of-the-art Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) to detect the relic 21-cm signal from the early Universe through novel techniques. Apart from the 21-cm cosmology (i.e. mainly the Cosmic-Dawn and Epoch of Reionisation (CD-EoR)), my broader interests are in fast radio bursts (FRBs) and studying Exoplanets (seeking collaborations).
Image recreation using Inkscape, Original image credit: NASA
Accepted for Publication of Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA)
DOI:10.48550Published in Publication of Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA)
DOI:10.1017Published in Publication of Astronomical Society of Australia
DOI:10.1093Published in MNRAS
DOI:10.1093Published in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
DOI:10.1093Closure phase analysis for 21-cm powerspectrum estimation.
Global sky temprature estimation using the Moon.
EoR 21-cm powerspectrum and bispectrum emulator pipeline.
Fast Radio Burst estimation pipeline.
EoR data repository.
3D VR gallaries and videos
I will be happy to discuss and hear your ideas about anything!